Saturday, February 8, 2014

Save the Great Barrier Reef from Dredging & Dumping Rally

8/2/14 -12-13:00
Melbourne State Library

On a sweltering 40 degree heat day, 250 passionate souls flocked despite the tormenting conditions to Melbourne State Library to protest against the Great Barrier Reef proposal of dredging and dumping with the additions of the coal plantations.

Now, the Great Barrier Reef has been put under the firing line as the government toadies up to the thoughtless greed of the mining magnates like Gina Rinehardt, who want to pollute our Great Barrier Reef.  Along with that great tragedy , MP Clive Palmer has decided to approve the Abbot Point port expansion for his new China First coal mine, and plan to strip Tasmanian wilderness of heritage protection. Australia’s environment is being torn apart from all sides with little to no protection at all for the land that offers us so much.
We all need to help support the various groups such as The Greens who are strongly against these movements & want to hold our Governments accountable for what they do.

This event though originally at one point on facebook indicated a 1000 person turn out, I think the day was too torrential heat which could have caused some people medical problems. Fifteen minutes standing in, I was fully drenched in sweat and it wasn’t a fun time either! Next one is coming up in a few weeks and I will fully support it.

I am proud that the people who created this event were students and gives me some hope my peers also are like minded in environmental causes.

Event organised by members of The Australian Student Environment Network

Australian Marine Conservation Society
Australian Student Environment Network (ASEN)
Australian Young Greens
Friends of the Earth
Keep Left Poetry
Melbourne Street Medics
Monash Student Association (MSA)
National Tertiary Education Union
National Union of Students
Pirate Party
Save the Planet Party
Socialist Alliance
Socialist Alternative
Victorian Greens