Thursday, March 28, 2013

The First Vegan

For all those vegan readers, have you ever wondered, where the term vegan came from? Or whom invented the idea. It’s a very much abstract concept for someone to have come up with.

Veganism was founded by a man by the name of Donald Watson, he officially proposed it as a dietary and lifestyle choice. He believed it was hypocritical for vegetarians to consume dairy which is still consistent with animal suffering.  He symbolised his theory through the suffering of Veal through the dairy industry. 

Watson further claimed that eggs were not a vegetarian food either as through factory farming, male chickens become a by product and are disposed of, whilst any hen past her prime is also easily dismissed.

He fronted these ideas to the Vegetarian Society whom then responded “that this is the case of taking idealism too far” however he stuck with his notion & never sought any recognition for his early work in founding the Vegan Society.

The word vegan comes from Donald’s interpretation of "the beginning and end of vegetarian", and it stuck. His wife & him founded the Vegan society and published the newsletter, “The Vegan News”. He ran the publication independently for two years, writing and duplicating the newsletter, and responding to the increasing volume of correspondence as the newsletter become more popular overtime.

He did not smoke, consume alcohol, or make contact with foods or substances which he regarded as 'toxins'. Watson was born into an environment in which vegetarianism, let alone veganism, was unknown. I myself can relate to this and I find it very inspiring, as well as when he first became vegetarian at a young age and similar circumstances. He became a vegetarian at the age of fourteen, although he did not know any others. He did not smoke, consume alcohol, or make contact with foods or substances which he regarded as 'toxins'.

He lived a long healthy life up until 2005 where he passed away at 95. This is evidence enough in itself to say the Vegan way of life is most healthy & sustainable.

Monday, March 25, 2013



I thought I’d go write an article on a naughty topic for us well, more mature audience. I am going to talk about the SEXUAL benefits of being on a vegan diet. Mainly this information will be from what I myself have noted down compared to some stories from my friends of other various diets. Though some of this information does have scientific validation to it.

The taste of some substances that come from the body is actually indicated by the diet of what on individual consumes. It is said that a vegan diet changes the body’s overall chemistry. Therefore, body secretions smell & taste much sweeter. (Do you guys need any more hints?!)

Speaking of chemical reactions, certain foods cause a chemical reaction in the body that increases the libido in both males and females. Foods with large levels of zinc and vitamin B complexes are said to elevate testosterone levels and boost sexual desire. Many common foods rich in Zinc & Vitamin B are - basil, figs, pine nuts, avocado, almonds, asparagus, celery, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and bananas.
A few girls I have spoken to have informed me that they have much more intense orgasms on a plant based diet. I have noticed that they are a lot more open about their sexual desires, but that’s perhaps by the majority of vegans being females.

Green leafs like spinach help circulate bloodflow ‘down there’, which can help prevent those very embarrassing situations. Every guy has at least one. I have actually found when I am eating very intensely healthily, I manage to increase in a bit more size, which can only boost my confidence  … and yours as well guys if your smart enough !

Being Vegan, people tend to be a lot more open about subjects since they are far more mature to be able to discuss certain topics which others that are not normally comfortable with. Such as a lot of people are very gay friendly and  are very accepting.
There you have it people, some small facts that could make a BIG different to your sex life. Just another bonus of being on a vegan diet .

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Write For Vegeway!

I am currently looking for another passionate individual to write some articles for my blog.
If you think you have what it takes, contact me.
Send me  a piece of your work along with why you think you’re the best person to help improve my blog.

I compulsively check my email as well.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

269- Part Two

March 21st is a date with a very humane significance.
*The International day of struggle for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
*This day in 1933 the first Nazi concentration camp was completed in Dachau Germany.

*On this date in 1960 in Sharpeville, South Africa anti-apartheid demonstrations began. About 20 000 black demonstrators took to the streets in protest. Police opened fire resulting in the injury of 180 protesters and the deaths of 69.

March 21st has now become a date associated with the fighting against discrimination & oppression across all borders of life. Therefore it was only appropriate that the 269 branding demonstration was to happen on this day.

The demonstration was run by volunteers and the brand itself was made from pieces from the meat industry which seemed appropriate for the day ahead. The hot steel was heated by a blowtorch til it became sizzling. When being branded some of the people acted out for video purposes, pretending to be an animal whom was getting branded. This was actually very disturbing and will hopefully get the message out.

An ABC reporter came down to interview people & take photographs for the event which was later on the news  that night . He was not afraid to ask some tough questions to the demonstrators ,however later on I am told he put up a very appropriate news cast of the event. There us people whom will choose to ignore the suffering as we are threatening their reality with our words, but if we can get there attention enough, like these extreme acts, some people may think twice, it should show people it’s a very extreme act on both animals & people. It’s very much an extreme act and there are divided opinions of this in the activist community but I think we should all support each other , we are after all, working to the same end.

For those who think the branding is unnecessary and inhumane, these activists have tried to get a message across and have dedicated their bodies for those whom suffer in silence. Animals know pain, fear & love, they know feelings. This is not just about the animals whom suffer in holocaust conditions anymore. This is about saving ourselves. We have become barbaric and  no longer treat the world as it is but run it like a business and are slowly killing off all life & using up all our resources. If we don’t stop now, soon there will be nothing left. 

 From one of the men who were branded;
“As painful as it may be, oppressed animals go through this all the time without medical treatment and stand by and without the relief of water. I felt the brand sizzle on my flesh and leave a reminder of itself , for life. Though as much as it hurt I had access to water which helped stopped the cooking process of the brand.  One of the worst aspects is, my leg hurts for a few days after even with medical treatment from a doctor whilst these animals suffer in silence and not aided at all!”