Friday, March 1, 2013

Soundwave 2013 - Education

On Friday 1st of March I dragged myself out of bed about 5:40ish in the morning. I looked out the window , it was still dark out, I was not meant to be up this early for work!
 The train ride was quick mainly because I still half asleep. I was lucky to get a lift from Flinders St Station from one of the other workers for the day.  She turned out to be delightful buzzing personality. If she had not offered me a lift I would have either ;
A.Been significantly late
B.Had to catch a god knows how early train .

Today I was to volunteer my time at work at the Animals Australia stall.
My duties would include;
-Informing patrons of the issues & campaigns about Animals Australia
-Selling merchandise for Animals Australia
-Encouraging people to sign Petitions pleading for Free Range Farming.

I had chosen to volunteer at this stall, as Animals Australia was the original reason on why & how I became so aware and I would like to get give  something back to them. Volunteering a day to help educate more people was the best way to giving back.

I had never been to Soundwave before and found it a great day out. Generally 99% of the people were kind and were more than happy to give up some of their to talk to us and help sign the Petition. Over the course of the day we sold a lot of merchandise with the main items going were wristbands & badges which went for about $2 or $3 each. We were lucky to all receive some hefty donations.

A lot of interesting characters came by such as the Trash model girls next door who appeared to be some scantly clad dressed suicide model girls who attracted dozens of people with some of their semi-erotic dancing out the front. Their were rocknroll ,punks,scene kids,goths,teeny boppers and all sorts of other stereotypical characters that were attracted to this event. I found however the best demographic for the animals were mainly girls, who also seemed to buy a lot of wristbands to help support the cause. I am thankful for their support.

There was genuinely a lot of people who came up just interested in learning about Free Range Farming compared to Factory Farming. People also wanted to know about other issues such as Oscar's Law, Live Export, Ban Jumps Racing and so on.
It's help remind me the most important part of Animal Activism is education, educating people about what's really there and what they can do to help.

I often forget how well educated and informed I am, this can lead me to presume people always know what they are talking about which isn't always the case.  Now I have witnessed first hand how valuable it is for someone with my amount of knowledge to share this with the people and this will only encourage me to keep posting !

Sorry for the short post, but I have not slept for a good 29 hours!
Keep informed!

Here is Animals Australia's offical website.
I am almost certain these were the Trash Girls if interested.

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