Monday, March 25, 2013



I thought I’d go write an article on a naughty topic for us well, more mature audience. I am going to talk about the SEXUAL benefits of being on a vegan diet. Mainly this information will be from what I myself have noted down compared to some stories from my friends of other various diets. Though some of this information does have scientific validation to it.

The taste of some substances that come from the body is actually indicated by the diet of what on individual consumes. It is said that a vegan diet changes the body’s overall chemistry. Therefore, body secretions smell & taste much sweeter. (Do you guys need any more hints?!)

Speaking of chemical reactions, certain foods cause a chemical reaction in the body that increases the libido in both males and females. Foods with large levels of zinc and vitamin B complexes are said to elevate testosterone levels and boost sexual desire. Many common foods rich in Zinc & Vitamin B are - basil, figs, pine nuts, avocado, almonds, asparagus, celery, pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, and bananas.
A few girls I have spoken to have informed me that they have much more intense orgasms on a plant based diet. I have noticed that they are a lot more open about their sexual desires, but that’s perhaps by the majority of vegans being females.

Green leafs like spinach help circulate bloodflow ‘down there’, which can help prevent those very embarrassing situations. Every guy has at least one. I have actually found when I am eating very intensely healthily, I manage to increase in a bit more size, which can only boost my confidence  … and yours as well guys if your smart enough !

Being Vegan, people tend to be a lot more open about subjects since they are far more mature to be able to discuss certain topics which others that are not normally comfortable with. Such as a lot of people are very gay friendly and  are very accepting.
There you have it people, some small facts that could make a BIG different to your sex life. Just another bonus of being on a vegan diet .

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