Friday, March 22, 2013

269-Part One

In the last few years 3 Israeli activists branded themselves in a demonstration. This involved a hot steel brand which then branded the three men like all the farm animals are branded in all corners of the globe.  The brand was a number 269, which represented a calf with the same brand on one of Israel's dairy farms. This stance then became a movement called 269, in hopes of being the liberation of animals.

The activists hoped this extreme stance would help change people’s views on animals rights and that they too have feelings and are not ours to use. The holocaust may have ended for the Jews, but if one was to take a look into a factory farm they would see all the horrible atrocities that these animals undergo every day. These activists hope to bring to attention the mainstream society through these demonstrations as sadly it’s what it takes for people to pay attention. These brave activists who have branded themselves are now not only dedicating their words but also their flesh for those who can’t speak.

The branding  on people seems harsh, but that might be what it takes for people to realise what has happened to animals everyday and finally try to learn for themselves. At the end of the day , we all want animals liberated and away from our uses. They are living creatures with feelings and it is disgusting to event his day we are consuming them like products.

If we don’t do something about the way we treat animals now, well when future generations look back on us, they aren’t going to have respect for  our cultures and look at us as some sort of barbarians. What are we, if we are not trying to better our world?


For further information

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